Do you know that chocolate is a prohibited food for our pets?
“Theobromine is an alkaloid chemically related to caffeine, a nervous system stimulant.”
But what should I do if my dog eats chocolate?
If your dog eats chocolate, it does not mean that you should be alarmed immediately, since poisoning from this type of food depends on three factors that you should analyze:
How much chocolate have you eaten?
What kind of chocolate did you eat?
What breed is your dog
How much does your dog weigh?
After having analyzed these factors, you must keep in mind that there will be a greater risk of poisoning the purer the chocolate, that is, the darker it is and the greater the percentage of cocoa it contains, the higher the level of poisoning will be.
Symptoms of chocolate poisoning in dogs
Some of the effects that chocolate causes in dogs are:
Threw up
Acceleration of heart rate
Seizures or tremors
Internal bleeding
Keep in mind that if your dog presents worrying symptoms you should take him to the emergency room to your trusted veterinarian, since the speed of care your pet receives will be key to its recovery.
Chocolate poisoning in our pets is no joke, and it really happens. Veterinarians can wash your dog's stomach and give him some medication or use activated charcoal to absorb the toxin from his body.