The importance of natural nutrition in pets: taking care of their health and well-being

La importancia de la alimentación natural en las mascotas: cuidando su salud y bienestar

Pets occupy a special place in our hearts and homes, which is why, as those responsible for their care, it is essential to ensure that they receive adequate and healthy nutrition.

A diet based on natural foods provides a series of benefits for their health, providing them with a balanced diet rich in nutrients, strengthening their immune system and improving their digestion, thus promoting a healthy weight according to their size, race and age.

But what does natural mean?

A natural diet should NOT have the following ingredients in its composition:

  • Artificial colors or preservatives
  • Artificial chemicals
  • Byproducts (beef, poultry, etc.)
  • added sugar
  • Dairy products
  • Ingredients that have been generically modified.

What should you look for in a natural pet food?

  1. Look for its main ingredient to be protein, whether; lamb, beef, fish or chicken. This must appear by the protein name or, failing that, as "flour" of the selected protein, but it should never be named as "By-product flour."
  2. It should be high in fruits and vegetables such as; carrots, spinach, broccoli, apple, papaya, blueberries, etc.
  3. Check that it contains vitamins, minerals and oils such as omega 3 and 6 instead of animal fats.
  4. Avoid having corn, wheat or soy by-products in its composition.

7 reasons to switch to a natural food

  1. Reduces allergies
  2. Improves your coat
  3. Promotes good digestion
  4. Strengthens your health and immune system
  5. Increases your energy and vitality
  6. Your visits to the vet are reduced
  7. Your quality of life increases

If you are interested in providing a natural diet to your pet, it is important that you do so in a safe and balanced way, so before making these types of changes it is recommended that you consult your trusted veterinarian so that they can give you a diet. according to the nutritional needs of your pet.