Train your dog with delicious treats

Entrena a tu perro con deliciosos premios

When should you use treats to train your dog?

All work needs a reward, in addition to the praise, caresses or games that you can give your dog every time he does things well; You should emphasize what you want or like to get the most: Food.

Their favorite food is the ideal motivation for them to comply with new orders or learn a new behavior in a simple and positive way for them until they do it without having to offer them anything in return.

What is important for you to understand is that food is not a bribe, but rather it is something positive related to an action.

Most dogs, if not all, are characterized by being very sweet, so carrying a cookie or sticks in your pocket during a walk to the park or at a family gathering can be very useful when it comes to helping your pet find food. an extra motivation not to do something you shouldn't or that you don't feel very used to.

Note: Remember to reward your pet at the right time so that he can associate the action he has performed with something good.

What prizes can I use?

On the market there are special snacks for dog training with fewer calories, however, the best treats during training are those that are most attractive to your pet due to their smell, texture and flavor.

The ideal is that before starting the training you find out what your pet's favorite snack is, you can give him/her try various cookies, sticks, bones, etc. and the one that is most effusive will be the perfect one to start with the training.

However, although you can try any snack, make sure that they are low in calories or that they are of natural composition without additional preservatives, since you are going to give them in large quantities and repeatedly, so we do not want to cause any type of health condition.